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Introduction to Usability and User Experience (UX)

Datum 14.11.24 - 15.11.24
Kursort Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Preis CHF 1800.-
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Ja


Learn how to take a methodical approach to improving the quality of the user experience - it ultimately determines whether a product or service will be successful.


You have already dealt with the topic and asked yourself what you should pay attention to when designing a surface.


This course is intended for people who are involved in the development of products, services or would like to develop in this direction, such as product owners, project managers, IT professionals, designers.

Weitere Informationen

Datum 14.11.24 - 15.11.24
Kursort Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Preis CHF 1800.-
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Ja
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