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Information Event Swiss-International MBA FHNW

Datum 21.01.25
Zeit 18:00 - 19:00
+41 848 821 011
Kursanbieter FHNW - Wirtschaft
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Nein


The e-learning parts, including webinars and virtual classrooms, will be interactive. The programme will be conducted in English. During the four residential weeks – one week in Switzerland (Basel) and three weeks in Southeast Asia and East Asia – there will be a keen focus on actual business case studies and company visits.

During this webinar you will receive more detailed information on the programme, its structure, admission criteria etc. 



Weitere Informationen

Datum 21.01.25
Zeit 18:00 - 19:00
+41 848 821 011
Kursanbieter FHNW - Wirtschaft
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Nein
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