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Professional Scrum Master

Datum 19.08.24 - 20.08.24
Kursort Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Preis CHF 2500.-


You will learn how Scrum works, what distinguishes the agile from the classic approach, and what changes you have to face when using Scrum. After the course you can take the Professional Scrum Master certification.


Scrum skills are highly advantageous. Experience in project management and / or computer science is advantageous. In preparation for the seminar, download the following book: Scrum Guide


The Professional Scrum Master course is for anyone involved in software development using the Scrum framework. It is particularly beneficial for those people within an organization accountable for getting the most out of Scrum, including Scrum Masters, managers, and Scrum Team members.

Weitere Informationen

Datum 19.08.24 - 20.08.24
Kursort Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Preis CHF 2500.-
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