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Better prompting for more productivity and creativity

Datum 05.12.24
Kursort Digicomp Genève
Rue de Monthoux 64
1201 Genève
+41 22 738 80 80
Preis CHF 850.-
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Ja


Prompt engineering is a craft. In this interactive and practical course, you will learn how to formulate precise instructions and adapt the responses of ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, etc. to specific tasks and requirements.


Please create a free ChatGPT account at https://chat.openai.com/ before attending the course. Please bring your own laptop.

To benefit optimally from this course, you should already have some experience with ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot. We recommend taking part in the following courses or equivalent knowledge:


This course is designed for anyone who wants to boost their productivity using ChatGPT, Microsoft 365 Copilot and other AI models.

Weitere Informationen

Datum 05.12.24
Kursort Digicomp Genève
Rue de Monthoux 64
1201 Genève
+41 22 738 80 80
Preis CHF 850.-
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Ja
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