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Professional Scrum Product Owner - Advanced

Datum 09.09.24 - 10.09.24
Kursort Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Preis CHF 2600.-
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Ja


The role of the Product Owner is complex and requires thinking beyond agility and Scrum. With this course you will expand your understanding by taking different positions of the Product Owner.


Extended Scrum knowledge and extensive Scrum experience are necessary. We recommend that you attend the following course in advance:


This advanced course is specifically designed for Product Owners and Product Managers who have practical experience in product development. The course is also aimed at Scrum Masters and Stakeholders who work with Product Owners.

Weitere Informationen

Datum 09.09.24 - 10.09.24
Kursort Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Preis CHF 2600.-
Weiterbildungsgutscheine akzeptiert Ja
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